Monday, October 22, 2007

President Mike Huckabee

Well, after watching the Presidential Republican debate on Fox news last night, I made a decision as to who to throw my support behind. Mike Huckabee is concerned about the same issues that I have a passion about. And after reading more about his stances on his website, I am totally behind him in the up coming election.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

My First Post

Another fun day around here. Visit to the library, grocery store, and back home to work on my homework. Discovered a program on Sirius that I didn't know existed on the Patriot channel. It was Dave's Cigar Show. I've heard of the show before but never had the chance to listen to it. Today's topic, besides cigars, was right up my alley, they were talking about ale and micro breweries. It was very interesting.